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Using sep = "." in `fread` from "data.table"

Can fread from "data.table" be forced to successfully use "." as a sep value?

I'm trying to use fread to speed up my concat.split functions in "splitstackshape". See this Gist for the general approach I'm taking, and this question for why I want to make the switch.

The problem I'm running into is treating a dot (".") as a value for sep. Whenever I do so, I get an "unexpected character" error.

The following simplified example demonstrates the problem.


y <- paste("192.168.1.", 1:10, sep = "")

x1 <- tempfile()
writeLines(y, x1)
fread(x1, sep = ".", header = FALSE)
# Error in fread(x1, sep = ".", header = FALSE) : Unexpected character (
# 192) ending field 2 of line 1

The workaround I have in my current function is to substitute "." with another character that is hopefully not present in the original data, say "|", but that seems risky to me since I can't predict what is in someone else's dataset. Here's the workaround in action.

x2 <- tempfile()
z <- gsub(".", "|", y, fixed=TRUE)
writeLines(z, x2)
fread(x2, sep = "|", header = FALSE)
#      V1  V2 V3 V4
#  1: 192 168  1  1
#  2: 192 168  1  2
#  3: 192 168  1  3
#  4: 192 168  1  4
#  5: 192 168  1  5
#  6: 192 168  1  6
#  7: 192 168  1  7
#  8: 192 168  1  8
#  9: 192 168  1  9
# 10: 192 168  1 10

For the purposes of this question, assume that the data are balanced (each line will have the same number of "sep" characters). I'm aware that using a "." as a separator is not the best idea, but I'm just trying to account for what other users might have in their datasets, based on other questions I've answered here on SO.

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A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Avatar asked Oct 08 '13 04:10


1 Answers

Now implemented in v1.9.5 on GitHub.

> input = paste( paste("192.168.1.", 1:5, sep=""), collapse="\n")
> cat(input,"\n") 

Setting sep='.' results in ambiguity with the new argument dec (by default '.') :

> fread(input,sep=".")
Error in fread(input, sep = ".") : 
  The two arguments to fread 'dec' and 'sep' are equal ('.')

Therefore choose something else for dec :

> fread(input,sep=".",dec=",")
    V1  V2 V3 V4
1: 192 168  1  1
2: 192 168  1  2
3: 192 168  1  3
4: 192 168  1  4
5: 192 168  1  5

You may get a warning :

> fread(input,sep=".",dec=",")
     V1  V2 V3 V4
 1: 192 168  1  1
 2: 192 168  1  2
 3: 192 168  1  3
 4: 192 168  1  4
 5: 192 168  1  5
Warning message:
In fread(input, sep = ".", dec = ",") :
  Run again with verbose=TRUE to inspect... Unable to change to a locale
  which provides the desired dec. You will need to add a valid locale name
  to getOption("datatable.fread.dec.locale"). See the paragraph in ?fread.

Either ignore or suppress the warning, or read the paragraph and set the option :

options(datatable.fread.dec.locale = "fr_FR.utf8")

This ensures there can be no ambiguity.

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Matt Dowle Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Matt Dowle