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Using self-compiled Roslyn from within Visual Studio?





Is there a way to configure Visual Studio such that it uses my own self-compiled / self-built (forked) version of the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn)?

I want to experiement with C# language extensions in a convenient way.

(I am aware of the fact that this is not an officially supported scenario as of now. Still, I consider it an interesting playground scenario for the community)

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D.R. Avatar asked Oct 30 '15 13:10


1 Answers

With VS2015 Update 1 (which will be available any day now) you will be able to build your Roslyn solution, set "VisualStudioSetup" as your startup project, and just run it. That will run an instance of Visual Studio with the just-built Roslyn substituted for the one built in to VS2015.

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Neal Gafter Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 08:11

Neal Gafter