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Using SciPy curve_fit to predict post final score

I have a post, and I need to predict the final score as close as I can.

Apparently using curve_fit should do the trick, although I am not really understanding how I should use it.

I have two known values, that I collect 2 minutes after the post is posted.

Those are the comment count, referred as n_comments, and the vote count, referred as n_votes.

After an hour, I check the post again, and get the final_score (sum of all votes) value, which is what I want to predict.

I've looked at different examples online, but they all use multiple data points (I have just 2), also, my initial data point contains more information (n_votes and n_comments) as I've found that without the other you cannot accurately predict the score.

To use curve_fit you need a function. Mine looks like this:

def func(datapoint,k,t,s):
    return ((datapoint[0]*k+datapoint[1]*t)*60*datapoint[2])*s

And a sample datapoint looks like this:

[n_votes, n_comments, hour] 

This is the broken mess of my attempt, and the result doesn't look right at all.

 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

 initial_votes_list = [3, 1, 2, 1, 0]
 initial_comment_list = [0, 3, 0, 1, 64]
 final_score_list = [26,12,13,14,229]

 # Those lists contain data about multiple posts; I want to predict one at a time, passing the parameters to the next.

 def func(x,k,t,s):
     return ((x[0]*k+x[1]*t)*60*x[2])*s

 x = np.array([3, 0, 1])
 y = np.array([26 ,0 ,2])
 #X = [[a,b,c] for a,b,c in zip(i_votes_list,i_comment_list,[i for i in range(len(i_votes_list))])]

 popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)

 plt.plot(x, [ 1 , func(x, *popt), 2], 'g--',
          label='fit: a=%5.3f, b=%5.3f, c=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))


The plot should display the initial/final score and the current prediction.

I have some doubts regarding the function too.. Initially this is what it looked like :

(votes_per_minute + n_comments) * 60 * hour

But I replaced votes_per_minute with just votes. Considering that I collect this data after 2 minutes, and that I have a parameter there, I'd say that it's not too bad but I don't know really.

Again, who guarantees that this is the best function possible? It would be nice to have the function discovered automatically, but I think this is ML territory...


Regarding the measurements: I can get as many as I want (every 15-30-60s), although they have to be collected while the post has =< 3 minutes of age.

like image 801
G. Ramistella Avatar asked May 16 '19 16:05

G. Ramistella

1 Answers

Disclaimer: This is just a suggestion on how you may approach this problem. There might be better alternatives.

I think, it might be helpful to take into consideration the relationship between elapsed-time-since-posting and the final-score. The following curve from [OC] Upvotes over time for a reddit post models the behavior of the final-score or total-upvotes-count in time: enter image description here

The curve obviously relies on the fact that once a post is online, you expect somewhat linear ascending upvotes behavior that slowly converges/ stabilizes around a maximum (and from there you have a gentle/flat slope).

Moreover, we know that usually the number of votes/comments is ascending in function of time. the relationship between these elements can be considered to be a series, I chose to model it as a geometric progression (you can consider arithmetic one if you see it is better). Also, you have to keep in mind that you are counting some elements twice; Some users commented and upvoted so you counted them twice, also some can comment multiple times but can upvote only one time. I chose to consider that only 70% (in code p = 0.7) of the users are unique commenters and that users who commented and upvoted represent 60% (in code e = 1-0.6 = 0.4)of the the total number of users (commenters and upvoters), the result of these assumptions:

enter image description here

So we have two equation to model the score so you can combine them and take their average. In code this would look like this:

import warnings 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
# filter warnings

class Cfit: 
    def __init__(self, votes, comments, scores, fit_size):
        self.votes    = votes
        self.comments = comments
        self.scores   = scores
        self.time     = 60          # prediction time 
        self.fit_size = fit_size
        self.popt     = []

    def func(self, x, a, d, q):
        e = 0.4
        b = 1
        p = 0.7
        return (a * np.exp( 1-(b / self.time**d )) + q**self.time * e * (x + p*self.comments[:len(x)]) ) /2

    def fit_then_predict(self):
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(self.func, self.votes[:self.fit_size], self.scores[:self.fit_size])
        return popt, pcov

# init
init_votes    = np.array([3,   1,  2,  1,   0])
init_comments = np.array([0,   3,  0,  1,  64])
final_scores  = np.array([26, 12, 13, 14, 229])

# fit and predict
cfit       = Cfit(init_votes, init_comments, final_scores, 15)
popt, pcov = cfit.fit_then_predict()

# plot expectations
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,15))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,3,(1,3), projection='3d')
ax1.scatter(init_votes, init_comments, final_scores,                 'go',  label='expected')
ax1.scatter(init_votes, init_comments, cfit.func(init_votes, *popt), 'ro', label = 'predicted')
# axis
ax1.set_xlabel('init votes count')
ax1.set_ylabel('init comments count')
ax1.set_zlabel('final score')
ax1.set_title('fincal score = f(init votes count, init comments count)')


# evaluation: diff = expected - prediction
diff = abs(final_scores - cfit.func(init_votes, *popt))
ax2  = fig.add_subplot(2,3,4)
ax2.plot(init_votes, diff, 'ro', label='fit: a=%5.3f, d=%5.3f, q=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
ax2.set_xlabel('init votes count')
ax2.set_title('|expected-predicted| = f(init votes count)')

# plot expected and predictions as f(init-votes)
ax3  = fig.add_subplot(2,3,5)
ax3.plot(init_votes, final_scores, 'gx', label='fit: a=%5.3f, d=%5.3f, q=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
ax3.plot(init_votes, cfit.func(init_votes, *popt), 'rx', label='fit: a=%5.3f, d=%5.3f, q=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
ax3.set_xlabel('init votes count')
ax3.set_ylabel('final score')
ax3.set_title('fincal score = f(init votes count)')

# plot expected and predictions as f(init-comments)
ax4  = fig.add_subplot(2,3,6)
ax4.plot(init_votes, final_scores, 'gx', label='fit: a=%5.3f, d=%5.3f, q=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
ax4.plot(init_votes, cfit.func(init_votes, *popt), 'rx', label='fit: a=%5.3f, d=%5.3f, q=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
ax4.set_xlabel('init comments count')
ax4.set_ylabel('final score')
ax4.set_title('fincal score = f(init comments count)')

The output of the previous code is the following: enter image description here Well obviously the provided data-set is too small to evaluate any approach so it is up to you to test this more.

The main idea here is that you assume your data to follow a certain function/behavior (described in func) but you give it certain degrees of freedom (your parameters: a, d, q), and using curve_fit you try to approximate the best combination of these variables that will fit your input data to your output data. Once you have the returned parameters from curve_fit (in code popt) you just run your function using those parameters, like this for example (add this section at the end of the previous code):

# a function similar to func to predict scores for a certain values
def score(votes_count, comments_count, popt):
    e, b, p = 0.4, 1, 0.7
    a, d, q = popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]
    t       = 60
    return (a * np.exp( 1-(b / t**d )) + q**t * e * (votes_count + p*comments_count )) /2

print("score for init-votes = 2 & init-comments = 0 is ", score(2, 0, popt))


score for init-votes = 2 & init-comments = 0 is 14.000150386210994

You can see that this output is close to the correct value 13 and hopefully with more data you can have better/ more accurate approximations of your parameters and consequently better "predictions".

like image 182
SuperKogito Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11
