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Using Regular Expressions in JSP EL





In EL expressions, used in a jsp page, strings are taken literally. For example, in the following code snippet

<c:when test="${myvar == 'prefix.*'}">

test does not evaluate to true if the value of myvar is 'prefixxxxx.' Does anyone know if there is a way to have the string interpreted as a regex instead? Does EL have something similar to awk's tilde ~ operator?

like image 583
MCS Avatar asked Nov 17 '08 17:11


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Advertisements. JSP Expression Language (EL) makes it possible to easily access application data stored in JavaBeans components. JSP EL allows you to create expressions both (a) arithmetic and (b) logical.

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The default mode for JSP pages delivered using a descriptor from Servlet 2.3 or before is to ignore EL expressions; this provides backward compatibility.

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The Difference Between \s and \s+ For example, expression X+ matches one or more X characters. Therefore, the regular expression \s matches a single whitespace character, while \s+ will match one or more whitespace characters.

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String regex = "\\."; Notice that the regular expression String contains two backslashes after each other, and then a . . The reason is, that first the Java compiler interprets the two \\ characters as an escaped Java String character. After the Java compiler is done, only one \ is left, as \\ means the character \ .

2 Answers

for using Pattern.matches inside a jsp page in my case it was enough to call java.util.regex.Pattern.matches(regexString,stringToCompare) because you can't import package in jsp

like image 66
Giuseppe Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10


Simply add the following to WEB-INF/tags.tld

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<taglib version="2.1"

    <display-name>Acme tags</display-name>
            boolean matches(java.lang.String, java.lang.CharSequence)

Then in your jsp

<%@taglib uri="http://www.acme.com.au" prefix="custom"%>
custom:matches('aaa.+', someVar) }

This will work exactly the same as Pattern.match

like image 32
abualy Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 03:10
