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Regex to allow numbers, plus symbol, minus symbol and brackets

I am trying to create a regex that allows only the following 0-9, plus symbol, minus symbol and brackets (). No limitations on length of each of the mentioned. So far I have this but it does not seem to work.

/^[0-9 -+]+$/
like image 972
user2847098 Avatar asked Jun 03 '15 11:06


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Square brackets ( “[ ]” ): Any expression within square brackets [ ] is a character set; if any one of the characters matches the search string, the regex will pass the test return true.

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Easy way to make it : " [\+] " this is the alphabet. You may want all plus signs, then " [\+]* " .

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is a positive lookahead, a type of zero-width assertion. What it's saying is that the captured match must be followed by whatever is within the parentheses but that part isn't captured. Your example means the match needs to be followed by zero or more characters and then a digit (but again that part isn't captured).

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[[\]] will match either bracket. In some regex dialects (e.g. grep) you can omit the backslash before the ] if you place it immediately after the [ (because an empty character class would never be useful): [][] .

1 Answers

This should work for you:


^ -> start of string

\d -> same as [0-9]

+ -> one or more repetitions

$ -> end of string


var re = /^[\d\(\)\-+]+$/m; 
var str = ['09+()1213+-','fa(-ds'];
var m;
var result = "";
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if ((m = re.exec(str[i])) !== null) {
        if (m.index === re.lastIndex) {
        // View your result using the m-variable.
        // eg m[0] etc.
  result += "\""+str[i]+  "\"" + " is matched:" + (m != null) + "</br>";

document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = result
<div id="results"></div>
like image 174
emartinelli Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
