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Using iFrames in AngularJS

Using Angular 1.2+, I'm trying to work out an "angular" way to load in an iFrame but I can't find any tutorials/any real discussion on this anywhere.

Basically, I have a search page which displays a list of links. Clicking a link should call a function in my controller which loads in data (possibly through the $http service?) to an iFrame while keeping the search results in view.

Here's some rudimentary code (I've never really used iFrames before so apologies if this is just totally wrong)


<div ng-controller="searchPage">
  <div ng-repeat='post in searchResults'>
    <a ng-click="itemDetail(post._infoLink)">Here's a link!</a>
  <div class="detailView" ng-show="itemShown">
    <iframe ng-src="detailFrame"></iframe>


$scope.itemDetail = function(link){
  $scope.itemShown = true;
  $scope.busy = true;
    $scope.busy = false;
    $scope.detailFrame = data;

This code currently gives the error:

 XMLHttpRequest cannot load <url>. Origin http://localhost:5000 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. 

Something simple along these lines would be ideal. In the (attempted) example above, the search results would stay on the screen and get pushed into a sidebar, while the iFrame loads in an external site (on a different domain) into the bulk of the page.

How can this be achieved with Angular?

Extra caveat: The links to load into the iFrame are affiliate links so they'll often have a 'middleman' domain between them, e.g. the clicked-link will be mydomain.com/cloakinglink which redirects to www.zanox.com/whatever which then leads to the final site, www.asos.com/whatever.

like image 363
JVG Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 05:11


1 Answers

Really struggled on just using regular dom to st iframe.src. Grr... Angular bends the light toward it.

 .state('nav.iframer', {
            url: '/iframer',
            templateUrl: 'app/dashboard/iframer.html',
            controller: function($rootScope, $sce){

                    var f = window.frames.iframer;//
                    this.frameUrl= $sce.trustAsResourceUrl("http://www.google.com");


            controllerAs: 'framed'


<iframe name="iframer" width="900" height="900" ng-src="{{framed.frameUrl}}"></iframe>
like image 170
httpete Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
