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Using regexp in Google Analytics Goal Funnel steps


I have a goal that can be reached from two pages on my website, for example, /page1 and /page2. I've made a regular expression for the first 'Required step' of the visualization funnel:


If i apply it as a filter in the Top Content report - it works fine. But there's nothing registered in the conversion funnel. I actually couldn't find any information about funnel steps - is it even possible to use regexp there just like it's done in the Goal page URL?

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Nikolay Avatar asked Nov 21 '11 08:11


People also ask

Which goal type can use regex?

You can use regex in your Google Analytics goals regular expressions to find anything that matches a pattern. For example, we can find all pages with a query string more than five characters long. Regex uses a series of special characters that carry specific meanings.

What is regular expression in goal in Google Analytics?

In the context of Analytics, regular expressions are specific sequences of characters that broadly or narrowly match patterns in your Analytics data.

Which type of goal allows you to specify a funnel analytics?

With a Destination goal, you can specify the path you expect traffic to take. This path is called a funnel. When you specify steps in a funnel, Analytics can record where users enter and exit the path on the way towards your goal.

1 Answers

I've just been bitten by this. The URLs in the funnel steps are the same as the Goal Destination URL:

https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1116091?hl=en#matchTypes states

There are three diferent match types that define how Google Analytics identifies a URL for either a goal or a funnel. The match type that you select for your goal URL also applies to the URLs in the funnel, if you create one.

So you can only have regex matches in your funnel steps, if you've chosen Regular Express in the Destination dropdown.

I had the same problem as you. I'd chosen "Equal to" in the dropdown for the destination URL but was using "Begins with" style matches in my funnel steps and therefore getting 0 entries showing in my funnel visualisation.

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jaygooby Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10
