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Check if DAY_OF_WEEK is between Monday and Friday


I'm trying to create a method which is checking if "today" is between Monday and Friday. For this I get with this line 'int day = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;' the actual day. After that I fill a ArrayList with the days (Monday, Tuesday, Wendsday, Thursday and Friday). Now when I check if the actual day is in my ArrayList, i set boolean DAY = true else i set boolean DAY = false. I tryed the Method today and yesterday, but it allways sets the boolean to false.

What do I need to change that my code works? You'll find the code down here.


                int day = Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK;                 ArrayList<Integer> daylist = new ArrayList<Integer>();                 daylist.add(Calendar.MONDAY);                 daylist.add(Calendar.TUESDAY);                 daylist.add(Calendar.WEDNESDAY);                 daylist.add(Calendar.THURSDAY);                 daylist.add(Calendar.FRIDAY);                  if (daylist.contains(day)){                     DAY = true;                 }else{                     DAY = false;                 } 
like image 975
safari Avatar asked Apr 12 '12 06:04


1 Answers

Wow, that's like trying to kill a mosquito with a thermo-nuclear warhead :-)

Java guarantees (in 1.5) (unchanged up to 1.8 at least) that the values of SUNDAY through SATURDAY are contiguous (1 through 7) so it's a simple matter of checking a range.

However, DAY_OF_WEEK is not the day of the week, it's a field number (with the value 7) to be passed to the getter to retrieve the day of the week. The only time Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK itself will match an actual day will be on Saturdays.

You can use code such as:

Calendar myDate = Calendar.getInstance(); // set this up however you need it. int dow = myDate.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); boolean isWeekday = ((dow >= Calendar.MONDAY) && (dow <= Calendar.FRIDAY)); 

Following this, isWeekday will be true if and only if the day from myDate was Monday through Friday inclusive.

like image 112
paxdiablo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10
