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Using react-router without JSX

I'm trying to find an example of using react-router through the javascript API but have been unable to find anything so far.

My goal is to use react-router with reagent and clojurescript. So if anyone has gotten this working (even with Om), I'd appreciate a push in the right direction. Otherwise, just a straight javascript example without JSX would be helpful.

Edit 1 -- Getting closer to a solution

Thanks to @FakeRainBrigand for the help translating the JSX into plain JS.

Here is the React.js 0.11.2 version (which is what the current release of Reagent uses -- 0.4.3).

/** @jsx React.DOM */
Routes({location: "history"},
       Route({name: "app", path: "/", handler: App},
             Route({name: "inbox", handler: Inbox}),
             Route({name: "calendar", handler: "{Calendar}"})))

Hint: You can perform the JSX->JS transformation using JSXTransformer.js for your version of React. Just include it in your page and use your browser's developer console to execute JSXTransformer.transform('/** @jsx React.DOM */<Route location="history">...</Route>').code

Here is the Clojurescript version:

(ns mytest.core
  (:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]])

(defn home []
  [:div [:h1 "Home Component Placeholder"]])

(defn info []
  [:div [:h1 "Info Component Placeholder"]])

(defn build-component [comp]
  (reagent/as-component (if (fn? comp) (comp) comp)))

(defn react-router []
  (js/ReactRouter.Routes #js {:location "history"}
                         (js/ReactRouter.Route #js {:name "app" :path "/" :handler (build-component home)}
                                               (js/ReactRouter.DefaultRoute #js {:handler (build-component home)})
                                               (js/ReactRouter.Route #js {:name "about" :path "/about" :handler (build-component info)}))))

Unfortunately, the components Reagent creates by default don't seem to be "standard" React components, in that React.isValidClass(myReagentComponent) === false. So all that is left is to figure out how to generate the components in the form that passes that test. I have a Stack Overflow question posted for that.

like image 397
erikcw Avatar asked Nov 05 '14 20:11


2 Answers

In 0.12 in JavaScript it looks like this:

var Router = require('react-router');
var Route = React.createFactory(Router.Route);
var DefaultRoute = React.createFactory(Router.DefaultRoute);
var NotFoundRoute = React.createFactory(Router.NotFoundRoute);

  React.createElement(Router, {location: "history"}, 
    Route({path: "/", handler: App}, 
      DefaultRoute({handler: Home}), 
      Route({name: "about", handler: About}), 
      Route({name: "users", handler: Users}, 
        Route({name: "recent-users", path: "recent", handler: RecentUsers}), 
        Route({name: "user", path: "/user/:userId", handler: User}), 
        NotFoundRoute({handler: UserRouteNotFound})
    NotFoundRoute({handler: NotFound})
), document.body);
like image 93
Brigand Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10


An example without JX and without using createElement (which doesn't make sense to me in case of routes):

// this snippet was tested with react 0.13.1 
// and react-router 0.13.2
import Router from 'react-router';
import App    from './components/App';
import Inbox  from './components/Inbox';

const AppRoute = Router.createRoute({
  path: '/',
  name: 'app',
  handler: App

const InboxRoute = Router.createRoute({
  name: 'inbox',
  handler: Inbox,
  parentRoute: AppRoute

// Important: you have to export the root route wrapped in array 
export default [AppRoute];
like image 5
Misha Reyzlin Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10

Misha Reyzlin