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Difference between @mui/material/styles and @mui/styles?

In Material-UI v5, some API uses are imported from @mui/material/styles, like useTheme. And some API uses are imported from @mui/styles, like makeStyles. Can I use those style-related APIs from only one library, either @mui/styles or @mui/material/styles? Because, in Material-UI v4, I imported all style-related APIs from '@material-ui/core/styles' or 'material-ui/styles'.

like image 443
Edward Lee Avatar asked Oct 09 '21 11:10

Edward Lee

People also ask

What is the difference between MUI and material UI?

Starting today we are evolving our brand identity to clarifying the difference between our company and our products. Material UI: the organization is now called MUI. Material UI: the set of foundational MIT React components is now called MUI Core. Material UI: the Material Design components developed by MUI.

What is MUI material?

Material UI is a comprehensive library of components that features our implementation of Google's Material Design system. Joy UI is a beautifully designed library of React UI components. MUI Base is our library of "unstyled" components and low-level hooks.

What is styled in MUI?

Difference with the sx prop The styled function is an extension of the styled utility provided by the underlying style library used – either Emotion or styled-components. It is guaranteed that it will produce the same output as the styled function coming from the style library for the same input.

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1 Answers

Normally in v4, you'd import the style API from @material-ui/core/styles. This one uses JSS behind the scene:

import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

In v5, they changed the brand name to MUI. As a result, the package name changed too:

import { makeStyles } from '@mui/material/styles';

But MUI v5 also drops the support for JSS (which makeStyles/withStyles are using), so they move those APIs to a legacy package called @mui/styles. (They plan to remove this API in v6, but there are some pushback. See this issue for more info)

import { makeStyles } from '@mui/styles';

And encourage the users to adopt a newer styling solution (sx, styled) using emotion as a default style engine:

import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";

So in summary, the difference between the @mui/material/styles and @mui/styles is that:

@mui/styles @mui/material/styles
Doesn't come with a default theme, need createTheme / ThemeProvider Come with a default material theme (as opposed to the other planned theme)
Legacy styling package Depends on the new @mui/system package
Powered by JSS Powered by emotion (as a default style engine)
Has makeStyles/withStyles Doesn't have makeStyles/withStyles, has styled instead

You should not mix @mui/styles with @mui/material/styles. Choose one styling solution and stick with it because duplicated classNames from different style libraries can lead to unexpected side-effects and hard-to-find bugs. If you're creating a new project or having a small v4 project, I recommend migrating completely to the emotion solution to avoid adding extra bundle size because MUI component uses emotion, not JSS anymore in the new version.


  • https://mui.com/styles/basics/#main-content
  • https://mui.com/guides/migration-v4/#heading-mui-material-styles
like image 78
NearHuscarl Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10
