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Using R for simple image/pattern-recognition task?

I have an image with many dots, and I would like to extract from it what is the x-y location of each dot.

I already know how to do this manually (there is a package for doing it).

However, is there some way of doing it automatically ?

(My next question will be - is there a a way, when having an image of many lines, to detect where the lines intersect/"touch each other")

Due to requests in the comments, here is an example for an image to "solve" (i.e: extract the data point locations for it)

#riddle 1 (find dots):
plot(cars, pch = 19)
#riddle 2 (find empty center circles):
plot(cars, pch = 1)
#riddle 2 (fine intersection points):
plot(cars, pch = 3)
#riddle 3 (find intersections between lines):
plot(cars, pch = 1, col = "white")
abline(v = c(5,10,15,20,25))

Thanks, Tal

(p.s: since I am unfamiliar with this field, I am sorry if I am using the wrong terminology or asking something too simple or complex. Is this OMR?)

like image 658
Tal Galili Avatar asked Dec 29 '22 12:12

Tal Galili

1 Answers

The Medical Imaging Task View covers general image provessing, this may be a start.

like image 64
Dirk Eddelbuettel Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 02:12

Dirk Eddelbuettel