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Using perl system() query with spaces in path variable




I seem to be stuck here. I want to send a system request from my script to another server via SSH, checking if a folder there exists. A folder path is passed from another script, stored in a variable and might have a space character in it. Since I couldn't replace the space with another character, to avoid a "not found" on folder like "foo bar", I need to pass something like ls '/folderpath/foo bar' to other server's shell. Sample code looks like this:

$cmd = 'ssh -i id_pub $ssh_addr ls $remote_dir'; 
if (system($cmd) == 0) {
do something

I've exhausted all possible options - tired to escape the possible space with \ before passing it to the command, tried to pass it with ' ', " ", inside and adding both before passing it into $cmd. But I always end up with something like this:

ls \folderpath\foo\\ bar or ls \' \folderpath\foo bar\'

but not ls '\folderpath\foo bar'

I'm not that good with Perl, possible someone more experienced can recommend a workaround?

like image 912
Igor Avatar asked Feb 22 '19 14:02


2 Answers

String::ShellQuote's shell_quote is useful in building shell commands.

my $remote_cmd = shell_quote("ls", "--", $remote_dir);
my $local_cmd = shell_quote("ssh", "-i", "id_pub", $ssh_addr, $remote_cmd);

Of course, you can avoid the shell on the local side as follows:

use String::ShellQuote qw( shell_quote );

my $remote_cmd = shell_quote("ls", "--", $remote_dir);
system("ssh", "-i", "id_pub", $ssh_addr, $remote_cmd);
like image 176
ikegami Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09


Running a local shell and using it to escape your command to be safe for the remote shell would look like this:

system('env', "ssh_addr=$ssh_addr", "remote_dir=$remote_dir", 'bash', '-c',
       'printf -v remote_cmd "%q " ls -- "$remote_dir"; ssh "$ssh_addr" "$remote_cmd"');

Unlike just using "'$remote_cmd'", the above works with all possible values, including intentionally malicious ones, so long as your remote shell is also bash.

Thanks to @ikegami's answer for demonstrating the use of the end-of-options sigil -- to ensure that even a remote_dir value that starts with dashes is parsed as a positional argument by ls

like image 28
Charles Duffy Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Charles Duffy