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Using parenthesis in Regular Expressions pattern




I've a string "This text has some (text inside parenthesis)". So i want to retrieve the text inside the parenthesis using Regular Expressions in C#. But parenthesis is already a reserved character in regular expressions. So how to get it?

Update 1

so for the text "afasdfas (2009)"

I tried (.)/s((/d+)) and (.) (\d+) and (.*)/s((/d/d/d/d)). None of them is working. Any ideas?

like image 837
NLV Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 18:01


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1 Answers

Like this:

// For "This text has some (text inside parenthesis)"
Regex RegexObj = new Regex(@"\(([^\)]*)\)");

// For "afasdfas (2009)"
Regex RegexObj = new Regex(@"\((\d+)\)");


@SealedSun, CannibalSmith : Changed. I also use @"" but this was c/p from RegexBuddy :P

@Gregg : Yes, it is indeed faster, but I prefer to keep it simpler for answering such questions.

like image 78
Diadistis Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
