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Find children of children of a gameObject




I have a prefab in scene and I want to access a child of that prefab, Structure of that prefab is like this:

            UI_Side_Back  <---- (I need this child)

transform.FindChild return just first level child and loop in that transform is loop in first level child too:

foreach (Transform item in PooledPause.transform) {

I think it's need to be a recursive method or something. How can I find that child?

like image 294
Hossein Rashno Avatar asked Oct 30 '15 13:10

Hossein Rashno

2 Answers

Here is yet another solution that let's you find children in any depth based on any criteria. It uses a depth-first approach. I therefore recommend to place objects of interest as high up the tree as possible to save some operations.

It is used like this: parent.FindRecursive("child");

Or if you need more flexibility: parent.FindRecursive(child => child.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>() != null && child.name.Contains("!"));

using System;
using UnityEngine;

public static class TransformExtensions
    public static Transform FindRecursive(this Transform self, string exactName) => self.FindRecursive(child => child.name == exactName);

    public static Transform FindRecursive(this Transform self, Func<Transform, bool> selector)
        foreach (Transform child in self)
            if (selector(child))
                return child;

            var finding = child.FindRecursive(selector);

            if (finding != null)
                return finding;

        return null;
like image 62
Noel Widmer Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10

Noel Widmer

You can use a path to find a transform:

 var target = transform.Find("UI_Resume/TextField2/UI_Side_Back");

From the documentation for Transform.Find:

If name contains a '/' character it will traverse the hierarchy like a path name.

like image 23
Dan Puzey Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10

Dan Puzey