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Using .otf fonts on web browsers

I'm working on a website that requires font trials online, the fonts I have are all .otf

Is there a way to embed the fonts and get them working on all browsers?

If not, what other alternatives do I have ?

like image 869
Naruto Avatar asked Jul 14 '10 10:07


People also ask

Can I use OTF fonts on website?

You can use EOT (Embedded OpenType) files for Internet Explorer and either OTF (OpenType) or TTF (TrueType) for the rest. (Additional options include WOFF (Web Open Font Format) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) but we will stick to more common types here.)

Is OTF supported by all browsers?

TrueType Font (TTF) and OpenType Font (OTF)They are supported in all modern browsers, except for Internet Explorer, for which they are only partially supported.

Do OTF fonts work on Chrome?

TTF/OTF - TrueType and OpenType font support is Fully Supported on Google Chrome 71.

Does TTF work on all browsers?

TrueType Font (TTF) TTF has long been the most common format for fonts on Mac and Windows operating systems. All major browsers have supported it.

2 Answers

You can implement your OTF font using @font-face like:

@font-face {     font-family: GraublauWeb;     src: url("path/GraublauWeb.otf") format("opentype"); }  @font-face {     font-family: GraublauWeb;     font-weight: bold;     src: url("path/GraublauWebBold.otf") format("opentype"); } 

// Edit: OTF now works in most browsers, see comments

However if you want to support a wide variety of browsers i would recommend you to switch to WOFF and TTF font types. WOFF type is implemented by every major desktop browser, while the TTF type is a fallback for older Safari, Android and iOS browsers. If your font is a free font, you could convert your font using for example a transfonter.

@font-face {     font-family: GraublauWeb;     src: url("path/GraublauWebBold.woff") format("woff"), url("path/GraublauWebBold.ttf")  format("truetype"); } 

If you want to support nearly every browser that is still out there (not necessary anymore IMHO), you should add some more font-types like:

@font-face {     font-family: GraublauWeb;     src: url("webfont.eot"); /* IE9 Compat Modes */     src: url("webfont.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), /* IE6-IE8 */          url("webfont.woff") format("woff"), /* Modern Browsers */          url("webfont.ttf")  format("truetype"), /* Safari, Android, iOS */          url("webfont.svg#svgFontName") format("svg"); /* Legacy iOS */ } 

You can read more about why all these types are implemented and their hacks here. To get a detailed view of which file-types are supported by which browsers, see:

@font-face Browser Support

EOT Browser Support

WOFF Browser Support

TTF Browser Support

SVG-Fonts Browser Support

like image 74
choise Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09


From the Google Font Directory examples:

@font-face {   font-family: 'Tangerine';   font-style: normal;   font-weight: normal;   src: local('Tangerine'), url('http://example.com/tangerine.ttf') format('truetype'); } body {   font-family: 'Tangerine', serif;   font-size: 48px; } 

This works cross browser with .ttf, I believe it may work with .otf. (Wikipedia says .otf is mostly backwards compatible with .ttf) If not, you can convert the .otf to .ttf

Here are some good sites:

  • Good primer:


  • Other Info:


like image 42
kzh Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09
