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Using Node.js with JS-comint in Emacs

I use Emacs 24.2. I've installed js-comint and js-mode from MELPA, executed run-js, and now in REPL instead of > sign i have this gibberish:

^[[1G> ^[[0K^[[3G

The REPL itself in Inferior Javascript mode works just fine, just the > sign is changed. If you enter unfinished expression, it even prints ^[[1G... ^[[0K^[[5G. The ^[ are system characters, that are not copied with copy-paste, i add them for you to have an idea.

In my init-file:

(require 'js-comint)
(setq inferior-js-program-command "nodejs")

In terminal calling nodejs produces working REPL.

Why prompt behaves this way? What should i do to correct this?

like image 890
Mirzhan Irkegulov Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 14:12

Mirzhan Irkegulov

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1 Answers

Just add one line in your .emacs:

(setenv "NODE_NO_READLINE" "1")

Answer come from this post: Node.js prompt '>' can not show in eshell

like image 106
tangxinfa Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10
