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Using MVVM, how to pass SelectedItems of a XamDataGrid as parameter to the Command raised by the ContextMenu?

I'm trying to pass the item on XamDataGrid on which I do a mouse right click to open a ContextMenu, which raises a Command in my ViewModel. Somehow the method that the Command calls is not reachable in debug mode.

This is the snipped from the view

<ig:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding DrdResults}" Height="700" Width="600">
    <ContextMenu DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self},
                 AllowDrop="True" Name="cmAudit">
      <MenuItem Header="View History" 
                Command="{Binding ViewTradeHistory}"
                CommandParameter="{Binding Path=SelectedItems}">
    <ig:FieldSettings AllowFixing="NearOrFar"
                      Width="auto" Height="auto"  />

My code in the corresponding ViewModel for this View is as follows.

public WPF.ICommand ViewTradeHistory
    if (_viewTradeHistory == null)
      _viewTradeHistory = new DelegateCommand(
      (object SelectedItems) =>
    return _viewTradeHistory;

And lastly the actual method that gets called by the Command is as below

private void OpenTradeHistory(object records)
  DataPresenterBase.SelectedItemHolder auditRecords
    = (DataPresenterBase.SelectedItemHolder)records;
  // Do something with the auditRecords now.

I'm not sure what am I doing incorrectly here. Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks, Shravan

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user290669 Avatar asked Jun 09 '10 06:06


3 Answers

I had that working by improving Damian answer (which was not quite working).

Here's my solution:

First the Behaviour:

public class DataGridExtender : Behavior<XamDataGrid>
    public readonly static DependencyProperty SelectedDataItemsProperty
        = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new PropertyMetadata());

    public ICollection<object> SelectedDataItems
        get { return (ICollection<object>)GetValue(SelectedDataItemsProperty); }
        set { SetValue(SelectedDataItemsProperty, value); }

    protected override void OnAttached()
        AssociatedObject.SelectedItemsChanged += AssociatedObjectOnSelectedItemsChanged;
        AssociatedObjectOnSelectedItemsChanged(AssociatedObject, null);

    protected override void OnDetaching()
        AssociatedObject.SelectedItemsChanged -= AssociatedObjectOnSelectedItemsChanged;

    private void AssociatedObjectOnSelectedItemsChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.SelectedItemsChangedEventArgs e)
        if (SelectedDataItems != null)
            foreach (var selectedDataItem in GetSelectedDataItems())

    private IEnumerable<object> GetSelectedDataItems()
        var selectedItems = from rec in AssociatedObject.SelectedItems.Records.OfType<DataRecord>() select rec.DataItem;
        return selectedItems.ToList().AsReadOnly();

And then its usage:


    <Behaviours:DataGridExtender SelectedDataItems="{Binding SelectedDataItems, Mode=TwoWay}"></Behaviours:DataGridExtender>




Of course you'll need to have a "SelectedDataItems" in your view model.

Edit: The SelectedDataItems property in the view model has to be instantited first as an empty collection, otherwise it won't work.

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Antoine Jaussoin Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

Antoine Jaussoin

For a single item, infragistics was kind enough to add a bindable DependencyProperty called 'ActiveDataItem', which is "the" selected item, if any. It even works two-way, i.e. you can reset the selection from within your ViewModel.

Unfortunately, AFAIK there is no similar thing for multi-selection. You will have to implement this on your own, iterating over the selected records, check if they are datarecords, get the record and dataitem etc...

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Simon D. Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11

Simon D.

Try binding your DataGrid's SelectedItem to a property in your viewmodel.

You can then access this property in your OpenTradeHistory() method.

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Amsakanna Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 06:11
