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Using multiple cache implementations with Spring Cache

I'm working on a Spring Boot app where I need to use both distributed (e.g. Hazelcast) and local (e.g. Guava) caches. Is there a way to configure Spring Cache to use both when using @Cacheable and decide which implementation is needed based on the cache name?

I tried with creating a configuration for both HZ and Guava defining the cache names inside, but Spring complains that it couldn't find the cache name that is supposed to handled by HZ. When I use exclusively HZ or Guava they work.

like image 604
Balazs Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 16:02


1 Answers

Which implementation is needed based on the cache name?

Not based on the cache name, but yes - based on the CacheManager it is possible. Declare one of them as @Primary CacheManager, as follows:

@PropertySource(value = { "classpath:/cache.properties" })
public class CacheConfig {

    public CacheManager hazelcastCacheManager() {
        ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
        HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(config);
        return new HazelcastCacheManager(client);

    public CacheManager guavaCacheManager() {
         GuavaCacheManager cacheManager = new GuavaCacheManager("mycache");
           CacheBuilder<Object, Object> cacheBuilder = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
           .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
           return cacheManager;


and specify it at class level as:

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements IEmployeeService {


or at method level as:

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements IEmployeeService {

    @Cacheable(value = "EMPLOYEE_", key = "#id", cacheManager= "guavaCacheManager")
    public Employee getEmployee(int id) {
        return new Employee(id, "A");


If you have to stick with Cache name only, then you can multiple CacheManager.

like image 82
Arpit Aggarwal Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11

Arpit Aggarwal