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Using Lisp in C#




As a lot of people pointed out in this question, Lisp is mostly used as a learning experience. Nevertheless, it would be great if I could somehow use my Lisp algorithms and combine them with my C# programs. In college my profs never could tell me how to use my Lisp routines in a program (no, not writing a GUI in Lisp, thank you). So how can I?

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Boris Callens Avatar asked Sep 16 '08 07:09

Boris Callens

2 Answers

Try these .Net implementations of Lisp:

  • IronScheme

IronScheme will aim to be a R6RS conforming Scheme implementation based on the Microsoft DLR.

  • L Sharp .NET

L Sharp .NET is a powerful Lisp-like scripting language for .NET. It uses a Lisp dialect similar to Arc but tightly integrates with the .NET Framework which provides a rich set of libraries.

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jfs Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10


Clojure is a Lisp-1 that is compiled on-the-fly to Java bytecode, leading to very good runtime performance. You can use Clojure, and cross-compile it to a .NET assembly using IKVM's ikvmc. Of course, when used in .NET, Clojure happily generates .NET IL, leading to the same kind of compiled-code performance you can expect when using it on a JVM.

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cemerick Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 04:10
