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using Liquid variables inside of a liquid tag call


I made a custom link tag in Liquid and I am trying to be able to pass liquid variables into the call for that tag like so

{{ assign id = 'something' }} // this value is actual dynamic while looping through data 
{% link_to article: id, text: 'Click Me!' %} // my custom tag

However this results in the article parameter being passed in as 'id' instead of 'something' as per the assign statement above it.

Does anyone know how to pass variables into tag calls?

like image 246
Jimmy Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 17:10


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1 Answers

I've recently solved this very simply with Jekyll 0.11.2 and Liquid 2.3.0 by passing the name of the variable as the tag parameter.

{% assign v = 'art' %}
{% link_to_article v %}

You can also pass the name of the control var while in a loop, like article above.

In Liquid::Tag.initialize, @markup is the second parameter, the string following the tag name. The assigned variables are available in the top level of the context.

def render(context)

This obviously only allows one param to be passed. A more complex solution would parse params like x: 2, y: 3.

like image 116
Jonathan Julian Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

Jonathan Julian