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Eclipse error: "Editor does not contain a main type" [closed]


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I can't seem to run the following code in Eclipse. I do have a main method and this is the currently opened file. I even tried the "Run As" option but I keep getting this error: "editor does not contain a main type". What am I doing wrong here?

 public class cfiltering {

     * @param args

    //remember this is just a reference
    //this is a 2d matrix i.e. user*movie
    private static int user_movie_matrix[][];

    //remember this is just a reference
    //this is a 2d matrix i.e. user*user and contains
    //the similarity score for every pair of users.
    private float user_user_matrix[][]; 

    public cfiltering()
        //this is default constructor, which just creates the following:
        //ofcourse you need to overload the constructor so that it takes in the dimensions

        //this is 2d matrix of size 1*1
        user_movie_matrix=new int[1][1];
        //this is 2d matrix of size 1*1
        user_user_matrix=new float[1][1];

    public cfiltering(int height, int width)
        user_movie_matrix=new int[height][width];
        user_user_matrix=new float[height][height];

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //1.0 this is where you open/read file
        //2.0 read dimensions of number of users and number of movies
        //3.0 create a 2d matrix i.e. user_movie_matrix with the above dimensions. 
        //4.0 you are welcome to overload constructors i.e. create new ones. 
        //5.0 create a function called calculate_similarity_score 
        //you are free to define the signature of the function
        //The above function calculates similarity score for every pair of users
        //6.0 create a new function that prints out the contents of user_user_matrix 

            //fileinputstream just reads in raw bytes. 
            FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("inputfile.txt");

            //because fstream is just bytes, and what we really need is characters, we need
            //to convert the bytes into characters. This is done by InputStreamReader. 
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
            int numberOfUsers=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
            int numberOfMovies=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

            //Now you have numberOfUsers and numberOfMovies to create your first object. 
            //this object will initialize the user_movie_matrix and user_user_matrix.

            new cfiltering(numberOfUsers, numberOfMovies);

            //this is a blankline being read
            String row;
            int userNo = 0;
            while ((row = br.readLine()) != null)   
                //now lets read the matrix from the file
                String allRatings[]=row.split(" ");
                int movieNo = 0;
                for (String singleRating:allRatings)
                    int rating=Integer.parseInt(singleRating);
                    //now you can start populating your user_movie_matrix
                    ++ movieNo;
                ++ userNo;
        catch(Exception e)
