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Using jQuery to switch to focus a tab with a validation error

I'm trying to get jQuery to switch to a tab if it finds an error on it. Right now it will find an error but won't go to the tab with the error.

This is the code I currently have

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        ignore: ".ignore",
        invalidHandler: function(){             
            jQuery("#tabs").tabs("select", jQuery("#Form .input-validation-error").closest(".tab-pane").get(0).id);

jQuery('.Submit').click(function(evt) {
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Robert Parry Avatar asked Aug 12 '13 03:08

Robert Parry

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1 Answers


    ignore: ".ignore",
    invalidHandler: function(e, validator){
        $('#tabs a[href="#' + jQuery(validator.errorList[0].element).closest(".tab-pane").attr('id') + '"]').tab('show')

Demo: Fiddle

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Arun P Johny Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Arun P Johny