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Using jq, convert array of objects to object with named keys

Given a json file in the format as :

  name : "A",
  value : "1"
  name : "B",
  value : "5"
  name : "E",
  value : "8"

How would I convert it to something like this using jq:

 "A" : {
   name : "A",
   value : "1"
 "B" : {
  name : "B",
  value : "5"
 "E" : {
  name : "E",
  value : "8"

jq '{(.[].name) : "the name"}' 'myfile.json' gets me an object with [].name keys but how do I assign the object to it?

like image 806
Mike N Avatar asked Feb 23 '17 22:02

Mike N

2 Answers

map( { (.name|tostring): . } ) | add

(The tostring is for safety/robustness.)


If your jq has INDEX/1 (introduced after the release of version 1.5), you can simply write:

like image 153
peak Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11


Just build up a new object going through the items in the array. Add the items to the object with the name as the key.

reduce .[] as $i ({}; .[$i.name] = $i)
like image 32
Jeff Mercado Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 16:11

Jeff Mercado