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Using JavaScript single and double quotes for href's

I am having problem with escaping the single and double quotes inside the hrefs JavaScript function.

I have this JavaScript code inside href. It's like -

<a href = "javascript:myFunc("fileDir/fileName.doc", true)"> click this </a>

Now, since double quotes inside double quote is not valid, I need to escape the inner double quotes for it to be treated as part of the string - so, I need to do this -

<a href = "javascript:myFunc(\"fileDir/fileName.doc\" , true)"> click this </a>

The problem is, even the above code is not working. The JavaScript code is getting truncated at -- myFunc(

I tried with the single quote variation too - but even that doesn't seem to work (meaning that if I have a single quote inside my string literal then the code gets truncated).

This is what I did with a single quote:

<a href = 'javascript:myFunc("fileDir/fileName.doc" , true)'> click this </a>

This works, but if I have a single quote inside the string then the code gets truncated in the same way as that of double quotes one.

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naiveCoder Avatar asked Mar 06 '09 06:03


People also ask

Should I use single quotes or double quotes in JavaScript?

Both single (' ') and double (" ") quotes are used to represent a string in Javascript. Choosing a quoting style is up to you and there is no special semantics for one style over the other. Nevertheless, it is important to note that there is no type for a single character in javascript, everything is always a string!

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In JavaScript, single quotes ( '' ) and double quotes ( “” ) are used to create string literals. Most developers use single or double quotes as they prefer, and sometimes they let their code formatters decide what to use.

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Using the Escape Character ( \ ) Using this method, we can use apostrophes in strings built with " . 'We\'re safely using an apostrophe in single quotes. ' We can also use quotation marks in strings built with " .

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to show double quote you can simple use escape character("\") to show it.

1 Answers

In case anyone needs to escape some thing like this:

<a href="www.google.com/search?q="how+to+escape+quotes+in+href""</a>

You can use ASCII code for double quotes %22:

<a href="www.google.com/search?q=%22how+to+escape+quotes+in+href%22"</a>

It is especially useful if you pass the link to JavaScript from PHP

like image 185
Arthur Tarasov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Arthur Tarasov