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jQuery: pass string variable to date object

I have a page with a number of variables that contain a date in string format (yyyy-mm-dd) which originates from using moment.js.

Is there a way I can pass such a variable to a Javascript date object resp. to convert it to a Javascript date object ? I am not interested in the time so as long as I can get the date converted to a date object that would be great.

I tried the following but this doesn't work and I couldn't find a way using moment.js:

var newVar = new Date(dateVar);

Many thanks for any help with this, Tim.

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user2571510 Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 03:03


3 Answers

first of all i will say following should work for you..

var dateVar = "2010-10-30";
var d=new Date(dateVar);

if you say above not working check the below one -

var dateVar = "2010-10-30";
var dsplit = dateVar.split("-");
var d=new Date(dsplit[0],dsplit[1]-1,dsplit[2]);

for the proof check the jsfiddle.. both is working fine.. JSFiddle

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Deepak Sharma Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 23:11

Deepak Sharma

console.log() has been use to show the output , run this and you will understand the code

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var StringDate = "2013-4-13"
    var date = StringDate.split("-"); 

    NewDate = new Date(date[0],date[1]-1,date[2]);//Date object
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sanjeev Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 22:11


To solve this problem I a made function who manage the change from text to date:

My examples works with date as this: Jun/1/2016 to 2016-06-01 you can rebuild the function to make your format works...

The cero's at the left of the numbers are added to match the date type format.

function textoafecha(texto)

            hasNumber = /\d/;

            // Contiene el pedazo del texto que contiene el mes
            mestexto = texto.substr(0,3);
            // Contiene el pedazo de texto que contiene el primer numero del dia
            diatextonumero1 = texto.substr(4,1);
            diatextonumero2 = texto.substr(5,1);

            // Si el texo contiene un numero...
            if (hasNumber.test(diatextonumero2))
                 dia = texto.substr(4,2);
                 anotexto = texto.substr(7,4);
                 dia = texto.substr(4,1);
                 dia = "0"+ dia;
                 anotexto = texto.substr(6,4); 

            switch (mestexto) 
              case "Jan" : mesnumero = "01";

              case "Feb" : mesnumero = "02";

              case "Mar" : mesnumero = "03";

              case "Apr" : mesnumero = "04";

              case "May" : mesnumero = "05";

              case "Jun" : mesnumero = "06";

              case "Jul" : mesnumero = "07";

              case "Aug" : mesnumero = "08";

              case "Sep" : mesnumero = "09";

              case "Oct" : mesnumero = "10";

              case "Nov" : mesnumero = "11";

              case "Dec" : mesnumero = "12";

              default : break;


            fechaformateada = anotexto + "-" + mesnumero + "-" + dia;           
            return fechaformateada;

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Ricardo Rivera Nieves Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 00:11

Ricardo Rivera Nieves