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Using IIS Express to host a website (temporarily)

I have a website (MVC3), which for developement is hosted in IIS Express. (I've run into a bug of Cassini Devserver and had to upgrade...) Now, I'm wondering, is it possible to let other machines on my local net (behind router) see the site as hosted on my machine? (e.g. If I write http://my.local.ip:port into a browser on the same LAN as I am will the page load?)

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TDaver Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 17:03


People also ask

Should I use IIS or IIS Express?

An important difference is the way worker processes are managed. In IIS, the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) silently activates and deactivates Web applications and the user has no direct control. In IIS Express, there is no WAS and the user has full control of application activation and deactivation.

Can IIS Express be accessed remotely?

Normally when you run an application in IIS Express, it's only accessible on http://localhost:[someport]. In order to access it from another machine, it needs to be bound to your public IP address as well.

1 Answers

By default IIS Express serves only localhost requests. To serve external requests edit applicationhost.config file (located in %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\) and change localhost to '*' or your machine name. (remember for non-localhost binding you must be running as administrator or set URL acl as an administrator and then run iisexpress as non-administrator)

like image 126
vikomall Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
