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Using html file in angular directive template url in mvc 5 project

I'm creating an angularJs application in MVC 5. I've created a directive as given below.

app.directive('clusterButton', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            clusterInfo: '=info'
        templateUrl: function(elem, attr){
            return 'ClusterButtonTemplate';

I have .cshtml file named ClusterButtonTemplate.cshtml and I created a partial view method in the controller class to return this view. So the angular js directive is binding the template.

I need to remove the method in mvc controller class and need to refer the template file directly. I don't want to use a cshtml file. I need a html file for template. I have created a ClusterButtonTemplate.html file. But while setting the template as below the browser shows a 404 error.

app.directive('clusterButton', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            clusterInfo: '=info'
        templateUrl: function(elem, attr){
            return 'ClusterButtonTemplate.html';

I didn't use angular js routing in my project. Everything is managed using the MVC routing. How can I fix this issue. Do I need to use Angular routing and MVC routing?

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NOBLE M.O. Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 23:09


1 Answers

You'll need to put in in a place where MVC will not try to map the URL to a controller. By default, the /Content folder is ignored, so you could create a folder under it called "Templates" and use that for the URL.

templateUrl: function(elem, attr){
    return '/Content/Templates/ClusterButtonTemplate.html';
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Will Ray Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Will Ray