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Using glyphicon-facebook from bootstrap 3

I would like to use glyphicon-facebook. <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"> works but why doesn't <i class="glyphicon-facebook"> work? And also there is no option such as 'glyphicon glyphicon-facebook'.

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richie Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 14:04


People also ask

How do I use Glyphicons in Bootstrap 3?

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are actually fonts, so you can scale them and color them as you please. Bootstrap previously used image sprites for icons. To add a glyphicon, add a <span> tag with Bootstrap's . glyphicon class and also the class for the specific glyphicon that you require.

Is bootstrap a Glyphicon?

Bootstrap provides set of graphic icons, symbols and fonts called Glyphicons. Some Glyphicons like Home icon, User icon, Lock icon, etc. Generally, Glyphicons are icon fonts which you can use in your web projects. Bootstrap includes 260 glyphicons.

How do I use Glyphicon icons in bootstrap 4?

Bootstrap 4 does not have its own icon library (Glyphicons from Bootstrap 3 are not supported in BS4). However, there are many free icon libraries to choose from, such as Font Awesome and Google Material Design Icons.

1 Answers

You can also try http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ This is a very nice set of icons, pretty much everything you'll ever need.

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jrenouard Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10
