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Using Flask-SQLAlchemy without Flask

I had a small web service built using Flask and Flask-SQLAlchemy that only held one model. I now want to use the same database, but with a command line app, so I'd like to drop the Flask dependency.

My model looks like this:

class IPEntry(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    ip_address = db.Column(db.String(16), unique=True)
    first_seen = db.Column(db.DateTime(),
        default = datetime.datetime.utcnow
    last_seen = db.Column(db.DateTime(),
        default = datetime.datetime.utcnow

    def validate_ip(self, key, ip):
        assert is_ip_addr(ip)
        return ip

Since db will no longer be a reference to flask.ext.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy(app), how can I convert my model to use just SQLAlchemy. Is there a way for the two applications (one with Flask-SQLAlchemy the other with SQLAlchemy) to use the same database?

like image 730
amccormack Avatar asked May 08 '15 02:05


People also ask

Can you use SQLAlchemy without Flask?

However, ensuring your database connection session is available throughout your app can be accomplished with base SQLAlchemy and does not require Flask-SQLAlchemy.

Is Flask-SQLAlchemy the same as SQLAlchemy?

Flask-SQLAlchemy is an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy to your application. It aims to simplify using SQLAlchemy with Flask by providing useful defaults and extra helpers that make it easier to accomplish common tasks. See the SQLAlchemy documentation to learn how to work with the ORM in depth.

Is SQLAlchemy part of Flask?

Flask-SQLAlchemy is a Flask extension that makes using SQLAlchemy with Flask easier, providing you tools and methods to interact with your database in your Flask applications through SQLAlchemy. In this tutorial, you'll build a small student management system that demonstrates how to use the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension.

How do I run a Flask in SQLAlchemy?

Step 1 - Install the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension. Step 2 - You need to import the SQLAlchemy class from this module. Step 3 - Now create a Flask application object and set the URI for the database to use. Step 4 - then use the application object as a parameter to create an object of class SQLAlchemy.

2 Answers

you can do this to replace db.Model:

from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import sqlalchemy as sa

base = declarative_base()
engine = sa.create_engine(YOUR_DB_URI)
base.metadata.bind = engine
session = orm.scoped_session(orm.sessionmaker())(bind=engine)

# after this:
# base == db.Model
# session == db.session
# other db.* values are in sa.*
# ie: old: db.Column(db.Integer,db.ForeignKey('s.id'))
#     new: sa.Column(sa.Integer,sa.ForeignKey('s.id'))
# except relationship, and backref, those are in orm
# ie: orm.relationship, orm.backref
# so to define a simple model

class UserModel(base):
    __tablename__ = 'users' #<- must declare name for db table
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer,primary_key=True)
    name = sa.Column(sa.String(255),nullable=False)

then to create the tables:

like image 107
Kyle Roux Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 02:11

Kyle Roux

Check this one github.com/mardix/active-alchemy

Active-Alchemy is a framework agnostic wrapper for SQLAlchemy that makes it really easy to use by implementing a simple active record like api, while it still uses the db.session underneath. Inspired by Flask-SQLAlchemy

like image 27
Levon Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 02:11
