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Using FakeItEasy, is there a way to fake the setter of a write only property?




Using FakeItEasy, is there a way to fake the setter of a write only property?

The interface I have to work with looks something like:

Interface IMyInterface
   String Foo { set; }

I have tried the following but the syntax doesn't work.

IMyInterface _myObject = A.Fake<IMyInterface>();
A.CallTo(() => _myObject.Foo).Invokes((String foo) => {
   //save off foo

I have also tried this, but syntax error.

IMyInterface _myObject = A.Fake<IMyInterface>();
A.CallTo(() => _myObject.set_Foo).Invokes((String foo) => {
   //save off foo
like image 961
Kevin Westwood Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 21:07

Kevin Westwood

2 Answers

You can do it, but it's not very straightforward, due to a limitation of expression trees (you can't write an assignment in an expression). The workaround is to use the "advanced" call configuration syntax (described in the docs):

 .Where(call => call.Method.Name == "set_Foo")
 .Invokes((String foo) => {
   //save off foo

That being said, having a write-only property is probably not a very good idea; if you can set it, you should be able to get it too. If you really want it to be write-only, consider using a method rather than a property.

like image 186
Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Thomas Levesque

FakeItEasy added a method to handle this case, A.CallToSet

IMyInterface _myObject = A.Fake<IMyInterface>();

// Variant 1
A.CallToSet(() => _myObject.Foo).Invokes(call => {
   var foo = call.GetArgument<string>(0);
   // save off foo

// Variant 2
A.CallToSet(() => _myObject.Foo).Invokes((string foo) => {
   // save off foo
like image 39
Daniel Rose Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09

Daniel Rose