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Using enable_if to disable a template constructor of a template class

I'm trying to disable a template constructor of a template class using std::enable_if when the type of the arguments of the template constructor matches the type "MyClass" so that I can use my other constructor which allows me to initialize the class of current template with the class of another one.

template <typename t, size_t size>
class MyClass
   MyClass() { data.fill(static_cast<T>(0)); }

   template <typename... Args> // i want to disable this if Args = MyClass
   MyClass(Args&&... args) : data{ std::forward<Args>(args)... } {}

   template <size_t size2>
   MyClass(const Myclass<t, size2>& other_sized_template) { /*do stuff*/ } // this won't work unless the template ctor above is disabled if the arguments passed are of type Myclass

   std::array<t, size> data;
like image 436
John Wayne Avatar asked Oct 20 '17 00:10

John Wayne

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2 Answers

You can check whether the type is an instantiation of MyClass by a class template with partial specialization. e.g.

struct is_MyClass : std::false_type {};

template <typename T, size_t size>
struct is_MyClass<MyClass<T, size>> : std::true_type {};

then disable the constructor like

template <typename... Args, 
          typename = std::enable_if_t<
                std::remove_reference_t<Args>>...>::value> > // i want to disable this if Args = MyClass
MyClass(Args&&... args) : data{ std::forward<Args>(args)... } {}


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songyuanyao Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 16:11


First you need a helper to be able to tell if Args... are a single MyClass<T, N>:

#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>

template <class, size_t>
class MyClass;

template <class T>
struct IsMyClass {
    template <size_t Size>
    static std::true_type test(const MyClass<T, Size>&);

    static std::false_type test(...);

    template <class V, class... Further>
    static constexpr bool value = (
        (sizeof...(Further) == 0) &&

You can use it like

IsMyClass<int>::template value<Args...>

to test if Args... are MyClass<int, Some_Int>. Now use this helper:

#include <cstdio>

template <typename T, size_t Size>
class MyClass
    MyClass() {
        printf("Default constructor\n");

    template <
        class ...Args,
        class Check = std::enable_if_t<(!IsMyClass<T>::template value<Args...>)>
    MyClass(Args&&... args) {
        printf("Args != MyClass\n");

    template <size_t Size2>
    MyClass(const MyClass<T, Size2>& other_sized_template) {

A simple test if it works:

int main() {
    MyClass<int, 10> myclass_int10;
    MyClass<void, 10> myclass_void10;

    MyClass<int, 20> test1(myclass_int10);
    MyClass<int, 20> test2(myclass_void10);

    MyClass<void, 20> test3(myclass_int10);
    MyClass<void, 20> test4(myclass_void10);

    MyClass<int, 20> test5(myclass_int10, myclass_int10);
    MyClass<int, 20> test6(myclass_void10, myclass_void10);

    return 0;

And it does:

$ g++ -std=c++14 ./x.cpp
$ ./a.out 
Default constructor
Default constructor
Args != MyClass
Args != MyClass
Args != MyClass
Args != MyClass
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kay Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 18:11
