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Using Cygwin for FFMPEG build error cmp: command not found

I've been trying to use Cygwin to build ffmpeg but I'm running into the error ./configure: line 1132: cmp: command not found. I tried looking around online for solutions but found none. I also checked if I just didn't download the right package when I downloaded Cygwin but I found nothing relating to cmd. I'm not sure if there is a workaround or not. The code from line 1132 is: cp_if_changed(){ cmp -s "$1" "$2" && echo "$2 is unchanged" && return mkdir -p "$(dirname $2)" $cp_f "$1" "$2" }


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Papajohn000 Avatar asked Aug 09 '13 17:08


1 Answers

You want to install the cygwin diffutils package.

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glenn jackman Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

glenn jackman