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Using CSS to insert text




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How do I put text from CSS in HTML?

CSS can be added to HTML documents in 3 ways: Inline - by using the style attribute inside HTML elements. Internal - by using a <style> element in the <head> section. External - by using a <link> element to link to an external CSS file.

How do you add a textbox in CSS?

Inline Text Box When you want to create only one or two text boxes then the recommended way is to use inline CSS at element level instead adding CSS at site level. Below is an example code to convert a paragraph to a box with background.

How do you style text in CSS?

CSS text formatting properties is used to format text and style text. Text-color property is used to set the color of the text. Text-color can be set by using the name “red”, hex value “#ff0000” or by its RGB value“rgb(255, 0, 0). Text alignment property is used to set the horizontal alignment of the text.

It is, but requires a CSS2 capable browser (all major browsers, IE8+).

.OwnerJoe:before {
  content: "Joe's Task:";

But I would rather recommend using Javascript for this. With jQuery:

$('.OwnerJoe').each(function() {
  $(this).before($('<span>').text("Joe's Task: "));

The answer using jQuery that everyone seems to like has a major flaw, which is it is not scalable (at least as it is written). I think Martin Hansen has the right idea, which is to use HTML5 data-* attributes. And you can even use the apostrophe correctly:


<div class="task" data-task-owner="Joe">mop kitchen</div>
<div class="task" data-task-owner="Charles" data-apos="1">vacuum hallway</div>


div.task:before { content: attr(data-task-owner)"'s task - " ; }
div.task[data-apos]:before { content: attr(data-task-owner)"' task - " ; }


Joe's task - mop kitchen
Charles' task - vacuum hallway

Also check out the attr() function of the CSS content attribute. It outputs a given attribute of the element as a text node. Use it like so:

<div class="Owner Joe" />

div:before {
  content: attr(class);

Or even with the new HTML5 custom data attributes:

<div data-employeename="Owner Joe" />

div:before {
  content: attr(data-employeename);

Just code it like this:

    .OwnerJoe {
      //other things here
        content: "Joe's Task: ";

I know this is an old question but I would like to update the answer to CSS3. The question is a pseudo-class or a pseudo-element.

CSS2 way (pseudo-class)

    .OwnerJoe:before {
      content: "Joe's Task:";

CSS3 way (pseudo-element) Note the double colon

    .OwnerJoe::before {
      content: "Joe's Task:";