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Using CSS how to change only the 2nd column of a table



People also ask

How do I style a specific column in CSS?

If you want to apply a style to a specific column or row (but not on others), use :nth-child() property from CSS3. This selector is used to apply a style to the element number 'n' inside a parent element.

How do you select a child element in CSS?

The CSS child selector has two selectors separated by a > symbol. The first selector indicates the parent element. The second selector indicates the child element CSS will style.

How do you make a table column the same size in CSS?

If you set the style table-layout: fixed; on your table, you can override the browser's automatic column resizing. The browser will then set column widths based on the width of cells in the first row of the table. Change your to and remove the inside of it, and then set fixed widths for the cells in .

You can use the :nth-child pseudo class like this:

.countTable table table td:nth-child(2)

Note though, this won't work in older browsers (or IE), you'll need to give the cells a class or use javascript in that case.

Try this:

.countTable table tr td:first-child + td

You could also reiterate in order to style the others columns:

.countTable table tr td:first-child + td + td {...} /* third column */
.countTable table tr td:first-child + td + td + td {...} /* fourth column */
.countTable table tr td:first-child + td + td + td +td {...} /* fifth column */

To change only the second column of a table use the following:

General Case:

table td + td{  /* this will go to the 2nd column of a table directly */



Your case:

.countTable table table td + td{ 

background: red


Note: this works for all browsers (Modern and old ones) that's why I added my answer to an old question