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How to show multiline text in a table cell





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How do I display text on multiple lines?

The correct way to do things is using things made for the things you need. If you want a line break (enter), use <br> ; If you want to define a paragraph, use <p> . Show activity on this post. According to this, the <br> element is used to insert a line break without starting a new paragraph.

How do I put multiple lines in a Markdown cell in a table?

In summary, if you need to have a table cell span multiple lines when writing Markdown, use the HTML <br> tag, as shown.

How do you make a table with multiple lines on long text in CSS?

When the text in a single table cell exceeds a few words, a line break (<BR>) may improve the appearance and readability of the table. The line break code allows data to be split into multiple lines. Place the line break code <BR> within the text at the point(s) you want the line to break.

How do I show multiple lines of text in HTML?

To create a multi-line text input, use the HTML <textarea> tag. You can set the size of a text area using the cols and rows attributes. It is used within a form, to allow users to input text over multiple rows.

You want to use the CSS white-space:pre applied to the appropriate <td>. To do this to all table cells, for example:

td { white-space:pre }

Alternatively, if you can change your markup, you can use a <pre> tag around your content. By default web browsers use their user-agent stylesheet to apply the same white-space:pre rule to this element.

The PRE element tells visual user agents that the enclosed text is "preformatted". When handling preformatted text, visual user agents:

  • May leave white space intact.
  • May render text with a fixed-pitch font.
  • May disable automatic word wrap.
  • Must not disable bidirectional processing.

style="white-space:pre-wrap; word-wrap:break-word"

This would solve the issue of new line. pre tag would add additional CSS than required.

Wrap the content in a <pre> (pre-formatted text) tag

<pre>hello ,
my name is x.</pre>

Two suggestions to solving this problem:

SOLUTION 1: <div style="white-space:pre;">{database text}</div> or <pre>{database text}</pre>

This is good solution if your text has no html tags or css properties. Also allows to maintain tabs for example.

SOLUTION 2: Replace \n with <p></p> or <br/>

This is a solution if you would just like to add break-lines, without losing other text properties or formatting. An example in php would be $text = str_replace("\n","<br />",$database_text);

You can also use <p></p> or <div></div>, but this requires a bit more text parsing.

Hi I needed to do the same thing! Don't ask why but I was generating a html using python and needed a way to loop through items in a list and have each item take on a row of its own WITHIN A SINGLE CELL of a table.

I found that the br tag worked well for me. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
                    item 1 <BR>
                    item 2 <BR>
                    item 3 <BR>
                    item 4 <BR>

This will produce the output that I wanted.

the below code works like magic to me >>

td { white-space:pre-line }

On your server-side code, replace the new lines (\n) with <br/>.

If you're using PHP, you can use nl2br()