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Using clojurescript for a website on the server side and client side

I am considering building a website using ClojureScript. Does it make sense to write ClojureScript on both the client side and the serverside, much like node.js?

like image 965
yazz.com Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 16:12


1 Answers

It's possible, but there's absolutely no reason not to use Clojure itself on the server side, and you'll get better performance and much better library availability. Interfacing Clojurescript/Clojurescript is no easier than Clojure/Clojurescript.

The only situation where I'd recommend this is where you're already fully committed to a server-side javascript infrastructure (e.g, node) and wanted to write Clojurescript instead of Javascript.

like image 126
levand Avatar answered May 21 '23 11:05
