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Getting error Uncaught Error: Assert failed: Reaction is read only; on-set is not allowed

I am new to clojure and reagent. I was trying to generate dynamic number of checkboxes, the state of which is stored in the app state which is a list of dicts like this

[{:checked false, :text "Sample text 1"} {:checked false, :text "Sample text 2"} {:checked false, :text "Sample text 3"}]

The function below is expected to generate a checkbox corresponding to the specified index of app's db (db). The function does it jobs and the checkboxes are clickable.

(defn gen-checkbox [index db] 
            :label (:text (@db index))
            :model (:checked (@db index))
            :on-change #(swap! db assoc-in [index :checked] (not(:checked (@db index))))

However, I get this error in the browser console when I click on any checkbox.

Uncaught Error: Assert failed: Reaction is read only; on-set is not allowed

The error occurs at swap!. Can some one point out what I am doing wrong?

The db initialization part is as below:

(re-frame/reg-event-db ::initialize-db 
   (fn [_ _] 
      (atom [{:checked false :text "Sample text"}, {:checked false :text "Sample text"}, {:checked false :text "Sample text"}])

I also have a function to retreive the db. I am currently getting

(re-frame/reg-sub ::getdb 
   (fn [db]
like image 431
vishnuvp Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 02:03


1 Answers

Based on the tags of your question, I presume that you are using re-frame.

You can't update the database in re-frame directly. Instead, you should register an event handler that updates the database, like the below (the exact code depends on the structure of your DB):

;; (require '[re-frame.core :as rf])

 (fn [db [_ index]]
   (update-in db [index :checked] not)))

And then dispatch the event in the code of your checkbox's renderer:

:on-change #(rf/dispatch [:toggle-checkbox index])
like image 125
Aleph Aleph Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 08:04

Aleph Aleph