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using bluebird with undefined success callback function

I am using bluebird library over memcached.

memcached.set('foo', 'bar', 10, function (err) { /* stuff */ });

this function does not call success callback in second parameter so seems like .then(res) function does not getting called.

 memcached.setAsync(hashedCacheKey, obj).then(function (res) {
        }).catch(function (err) {
            reject(err, null);

is there any way for me to handle uncalled success event?

like image 921
Teoman shipahi Avatar asked Feb 01 '16 19:02

Teoman shipahi

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1 Answers

The primary issue here is that you're not providing a timeout argument to memcached.setAsync, but it's a mandatory argument for memcached.set. These two lines are equivalent:

memcached.set("foo", "bar", () => { /* this is never called */ });
memcached.setAsync("foo", "bar").then(() => { /* this is never called, either */ })

Add a timeout argument and your code should work as expected.

like image 145
Retsam Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10
