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Using BFS for Weighted Graphs

I was revising single source shortest path algorithms and in the video, the teacher mentions that BFS/DFS can't be used directly for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph (I guess everyone knows this already) and said to work out the reason on your own.

I was wondering the exact reason/explanation as to why it can't be used for weighted graphs. Is it due to the weights of the edges or anything else ? Can someone explain me as I feel a little confused.

PS: I went through this question and this question.

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user2125722 Avatar asked May 23 '15 06:05


People also ask

Can BFS be used on weighted graph?

BFS will not work on weighted graphs since the path with the fewest edges may not be the shortest if the edges it contains are expensive.

How do you use DFS and BFS on a weighted graph?

And so, the only possible way for BFS (or DFS) to find the shortest path in a weighted graph is to search the entire graph and keep recording the minimum distance from source to the destination vertex.

Do DFS and BFS work on weighted graphs?

For starters, DFS is off the table and doesn't work for shortest paths at all. Secondly, this answer correctly explains why BFS fails on weighted graphs with cycles and suggests Dijkstra's, replacing the queue with a priority queue and allowing relaxation if a new, shorter path is found to a node.

Can BFS be used to find shortest path in weighted graph?

We can use BFS to find the shortest path in the modified graph.

1 Answers

Consider a graph like this:

A---(3)-----B |           | \-(1)-C--(1)/ 

The shortest path from A to B is via C (with a total weight of 2). A normal BFS will take the path directly from A to B, marking B as seen, and A to C, marking C as seen.

At the next stage, propagating from C, B is already marked as seen, so the path from C to B will not be considered as a potential shorter path, and the BFS will tell you that the shortest path from A to B has a weight of 3.

You can use Dijkstra's algorithm instead of BFS to find the shortest path on a weighted graph. Functionally, the algorithm is very similar to BFS, and can be written in a similar way to BFS. The only thing that changes is the order in which you consider the nodes.

For example, in the above graph, starting at A, a BFS will process A --> B, then A --> C, and stop there because all nodes have been seen.

On the other hand, Dijkstra's algorithm will operate as follows:

  1. Consider A --> C (since this is the lowest-edge weight from A)
  2. Consider C --> B (since this is the lowest-weight edge from any node we have reached so far, that we have not yet considered)
  3. Consider and ignore A --> B since B has already been seen.

Note that the difference lies simply in the order in which edges are inspected. A BFS will consider all edges from a single node before moving on to other nodes, while Dijkstra's algorithm will always consider the lowest-weight unseen edge, from the set of edges connected to all nodes that have been seen so far. It sounds confusing, but the pseudocode is very simple:

create a heap or priority queue place the starting node in the heap dist[2...n] = {∞} dist[1] = 0 while the heap contains items:    vertex v = top of heap    pop top of heap    for each vertex u connected to v:        if dist[u] > dist[v] + weight of v-->u:            dist[u] = dist[v] + weight of edge v-->u            place u on the heap with weight dist[u] 

This GIF from Wikipedia provides a good visualisation of what happens:


Notice that this looks very similar to BFS code, the only real difference is the use of a heap, sorted by distance to the node, instead of a regular queue data structure.

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Greg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
