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Using @Html inside shared @helper in App_Code

I am building a very basic MVC3 site while I learn and I am having difficulty with the following declarative Razor html helper.

Inside RMB.cshtml inside App_Code folder:

@helper ReplaceCrLf(string strText) {     @Html.Raw(Html.Encode(strText).Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")); } 

Inside my index.cshtml view:


This gives me a null reference exception on Html in the helper, because it doesn't seem to know what it is. I can work around this by passing Html from the view to the helper, but I was wondering if there is another way for my shared html helpers to be able to reference Html without me having to pass it in to ever helper I write?

For completeness, here is the working workaround:

In RMB.cshtml in App_Code

@helper ReplaceCrLf(string strText, System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper Html) {     @Html.Raw(Html.Encode(strText).Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")); } 

In index.cshtml view

@RMB.ReplaceCrLf(Model.Post, Html) 
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Treborbob Avatar asked Jul 13 '11 13:07


2 Answers

I add this to any .cshtml files in App_Code now.

// Using's are needed to ensure helpers function correctly. @using System.Web.Mvc; @using System.Web.Mvc.Html; @using System.Web.Mvc.Routing; @using System.Web.Mvc.Razor; @functions {     private static WebViewPage page { get { return PageContext.Page as WebViewPage; } }      private static System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<dynamic> html { get { return page.Html; } }     private static UrlHelper url { get { return page.Url; } }     private static dynamic viewBag { get { return page.ViewBag; } } } 

EDIT: Have modified the helper variable names to lowercase as I have had some conflicts with the built-in helpers names. I have modified the HTML helper to be generic which allows the use of TextBoxFor etc helpers

This makes those wonderful helpers available to all @helper methods and functions in the file.

Many thanks to Neshta for the original concept!

Complete Example to answer the question:

In RMB.cshtml in the App_Code folder

@functions {     public static WebViewPage page = (PageContext.Page as WebViewPage);     public static HtmlHelper<object> html = page.Html; }  @helper ReplaceCrLf(string strText) {     @html.Raw(html.Encode(strText).Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")); } 

In View:

@RMB.ReplaceCrLf("line1\nline2") // No passing HtmlHelper 
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Ryan Buddicom Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Ryan Buddicom

I used a workaround like following

@helper HtmlRaw(string s) {     @(new HtmlString(s)) }  @helper ReplaceCrLf(string strText) {     @HtmlRaw(HttpUtility                         .HtmlEncode(strText)                         .Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")); } 
like image 21
Erdogan Kurtur Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Erdogan Kurtur