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Using an icon font (Font Awesome) looks a little blurred and too bold


People also ask

How do I make font awesome icons bold?

To increase fa-bold font awesome icon size, use the fa-lg (33% increase), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, or fa-5x classes along with icon class fa-bold.

Why do some font awesome icons not work?

Are you using Font Awesome Free or Pro? - Some icons are only available in Font Awesome Pro. Double-check that the icon you want is in the version of Font Awesome you're referencing and using. Also, make sure you are using and referencing the right style prefix and supporting files to use Pro icons.

Can I modify font awesome icons?

Font Awesome icons can be customized even further using your own CSS. We've even added CSS Custom Properties to our style toolkit options.

I'm using Font Awesome to create icons on my site, and while they look fantastic on the iPod Touch with Retina display, on my iMac they looks a bit blurred and less defined.

Here's an image to demonstrate:

enter image description here

As you can see, the font looks really nice and crispt on the Retina Display iPod Touch, but on the iMac, it's kind of crappy.

What is causing this? Is this to do with anti aliasing? Is there something I can do about this?