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Using an anonymous delegate to return an object

Is it possible to use an anonymous delegate to return an object?

Something like so:

object b = delegate { return a; };
like image 925
wulfgarpro Avatar asked Feb 06 '11 07:02


Video Answer

2 Answers

Yes, but only by invoking it:

Func<object> func = delegate { return a; };
// or Func<object> func = () => a;
object b = func();

And of course, the following is a lot simpler...

object b = a;

In the comments, cross-thread exceptions are mentioned; this can be fixed as follows:

If the delegate is the thing we want to run back on the UI thread from a BG thread:

object o = null;
MethodInvoker mi = delegate {
    o = someControl.Value; // runs on UI
// now read o

Or the other way around (to run the delegate on a BG):

object value = someControl.Value;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
    // can talk safely to "value", but not to someControl
like image 169
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Marc Gravell

Just declare somewhere these static functions:

public delegate object AnonymousDelegate();

public static object GetDelegateResult(AnonymousDelegate function)
    return function.Invoke();

And anywhere use it as you want like this:

object item = GetDelegateResult(delegate { return "TEST"; });

or even like this

object item = ((AnonymousDelegate)delegate { return "TEST"; }).Invoke();
like image 1
Basil Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10
