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Using Actors to exploit cores




I'm new to Scala in general and Actors in particular and my problem is so basic, the online resources I have found don't cover it.

I have a CPU-intensive, easily parallelized algorithm that will be run on an n-core machine (I don't know n). How do I implement this in Actors so that all available cores address the problem?

The first way I thought of was to simple break the problem into m pieces (where m is some medium number like 10,000) and create m Actors, one for each piece, give each Actor its little piece and let 'em go.

Somehow, this struck me as inefficient. Zillions of Actors just hanging around, waiting for some CPU love, pointlessly switching contexts...

Then I thought, make some smaller number of Actors, and feed each one several pieces. The problem was, there's no reason to expect the pieces are the same size, so one core might get bogged down, with many of its tasks still queued, while other cores are idle.

I noodled around with a Supervisor that knew which Actors were busy, and eventually realized that this has to be a solved problem. There must be a standard pattern (maybe even a standard library) for dealing with this very generic issue. Any suggestions?

like image 538
Michael Lorton Avatar asked Nov 29 '10 20:11

Michael Lorton

1 Answers

Take a look at the Akka library, which includes an implementaton of actors. The Dispatchers Module gives you more options for limiting actors to cpu threads (HawtDispatch-based event-driven) and/or balancing the workload (Work-stealing event-based).

like image 53
Jon McAuliffe Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10

Jon McAuliffe