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In Scala, can I override a concrete field containing a list and append something to it in the subclass?



Here's a simplification of the classes I have:

trait RequiredThings {
  val requiredThings: Seq[String]

class SimpleCalculator with RequiredThings {
  val requiredThings = List("a", "b")

class ComplicatedCalculator extends SimpleCalculator with RequiredThings {
  self: SimpleCalculator =>
  override val requiredThings:List[String] = List("c") ::: self.requiredThings

In this version, I'm using a self-type annotation, but I'm not completely positive that's the way to go. I think I could probably get it to work by converting requiredThings to a method throughout, but I'd like to try it as a field.

Final solution:

trait RequiredThings {
  def requiredThings: Seq[String]

class SimpleCalculator with RequiredThings {
  def requiredThings = List("a", "b")

class ComplicatedCalculator extends SimpleCalculator with RequiredThings {
  override def requiredThings:List[String] = List("c") ::: super.requiredThings
like image 880
Edward Dale Avatar asked Mar 11 '10 09:03

Edward Dale

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1 Answers

Yes, super calls to methods "inherited" through the self-type are not yet implemented. This will change (somewhat) soon. In the meantime, you should use inheritance instead.

like image 183
lindydonna Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 07:01
