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Using a custom domain with openshift v3



I've been trying to use Openshift Online v3 to host a web app. It works fine with the red hat-provided domain, but I can't get the routing working to get it to work on any other domain. all I get is:

Application is not available

The application is currently not serving requests at this endpoint. It may not have been started or is still starting.

Possible reasons you are seeing this page:

The host doesn't exist. Make sure the hostname was typed correctly and that a route matching this hostname exists.
The host exists, but doesn't have a matching path. Check if the URL path was typed correctly and that the route was created using the desired path.
Route and path matches, but all pods are down. Make sure that the resources exposed by this route (pods, services, deployment configs, etc) have at least one pod running.

Does anybody know how to do a custom domain in Openshift v3?

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d909 Avatar asked May 04 '17 17:05


1 Answers

As was the case with OpenShift Online Developer Preview, the GA free OpenShift Online starter tier does not support custom domains. Custom domains will only be available when the full paid tier is available. The only option in the interim is to use a proxy in front. One option is to use Cloudflare as that proxy.

like image 156
Graham Dumpleton Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Graham Dumpleton