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Is it possible to change the primary cartridge in an OpenShift application?



I've created Tomcat7 application on openshift but now I want to change it to JBoss Application Server 7. Is it possible without recreating app (delete T7 and then create JB AS 7)?

like image 981
pepuch Avatar asked Dec 01 '13 07:12


2 Answers

Unfortunately no, you will have to delete your gear and redeploy with a JBoss Application Server cartridge. However the war files shouldn't need to be altered.

like image 180
niharvey Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11


It should be noted that you can archive the app's deployments and deploy the resulting artifact to another application. So, for your use case, you would:

  1. Create an archive of your current application using rhc snapshot save --deployment (passing -a <app name> if not in that application's git repo directory).
  2. Create a new application of the desired type.
  3. Deploy the archive created in step 1 to the new application using rhc deploy --ref <path to archive> (passing -a <app name> if not in that application's git repo direcory).

You could use this approach to test your app on another flavor of JBoss.

like image 40
Paul Morie Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Paul Morie