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Using a colon with named arguments in ColdFusion

I saw this code example in a recording and wanted to know what the colon syntax did. I searched the docs, but I wasn't able to find any info on it:

weather.subscribe(observer: application.observers.currentConditions);

I know we can use colon in CF9 for ternary operators:

result = (condition) ? true : false;

But in this case it looks like it's being used to provide named arguments; so what's it doing there?

like image 573
Mohamad Avatar asked Jul 11 '11 16:07


1 Answers

<cfset result = obj.func(arg:value,thing:42) /> I looked at this and went blink, blink... That can't be right! You can't use colons for named arguments! Er, can you? Well, apparently you can.


like image 114
Henry Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
