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useSelector not updating when store has changed in Reducer. ReactJS Redux

I am changing the state in reducer. On debug I checked that the state was really changed. But the component is not updating.


function Cliente(props) {     const dispatch = useDispatch()     const cliente = useSelector(({ erpCliente }) => erpCliente.cliente)     const { form, handleChange, setForm } = useForm(null)  ...  function searchCepChangeFields() {     //This call the action and change the store on reducer     dispatch(Actions.searchCep(form.Cep))           .then(() => {                // This function is only taking values ​​from the old state.              // The useSelector hook is not updating with store             setForm(form => _.setIn({...form}, 'Endereco', cliente.data.Endereco))             setForm(form => _.setIn({...form}, 'Uf', cliente.data.Uf))             setForm(form => _.setIn({...form}, 'Cidade', cliente.data.Cidade))             setForm(form => _.setIn({...form}, 'Bairro', cliente.data.Bairro))                           }) } 


 case Actions.SEARCH_CEP:         {             return {                 ...state,                 data: {                      ...state.data,                     Endereco: action.payload.logradouro,                     Bairro: action.payload.bairro,                     UF: action.payload.uf,                     Cidade: action.payload.cidade                                     }             };         }   
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Danilo Cunha Avatar asked Nov 14 '19 06:11

Danilo Cunha

People also ask

How do you update a component in Redux state change?

The way you have it written, the state won't update unless you explicitly update it using setState() (most likely in the componentWillReceiveProps() method). When you use mapStateToProps() with the Redux connect() HOC, you are mapping your Redux state to your component through its props, so in your case this. props.

How do I refresh Redux state?

Just connect the redux state with the component's state by using useSelector hooks, so the component will automatically re-rendered when the redux state changes.

Does Redux state change cause re render?

React-redux component does not rerender on store state change.

How can the state stored in Redux be updated from a React component?

The only way to update a state inside a store is to dispatch an action and define a reducer function to perform tasks based on the given actions. Once dispatched, the action goes inside the reducer functions which performs the tasks and return the updated state to the store. This is what Redux is all about.

1 Answers

NOTE: you better start using redux-toolkit to prevent references in you code its a better and almost a must way for using redux

the problem your facing is very common when handling with objects, the props do not change because you're changing an object property but the object itself does not change from the react side.

even when you're giving it a whole new object react doesn't see the property object change because the reference stays the same.

you need to create a new reference like this:

Object.assign(state.data,data);  return {   ...state,   data: {      ...state.data,     Endereco: action.payload.logradouro,     Bairro: action.payload.bairro,     UF: action.payload.uf,     Cidade: action.payload.cidade                       } } 

to add more you can learn about the Immer library that solves this problem.

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elad BA Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

elad BA