I'm a senior full stack software developer / team lead (Javascript / React.js / Node.js / C#).
I've been working onsite and remote on tech startups (mainly US based companies) for last 15 years.
My areas of expertise:
In addition I have experience with high-load systems and optimization for frontend, backend & databases. The biggest high-load system I worked for had 20 millions of unique visitors per month.
I also worked with: Amazon Web Services ASP.NET MVC Python PHP / Yii / Codeinsight Go Photon Engine TestCafe / Puppeteer Electron Apollo Server Rabbit MQ Websockets Jenkins / TeamCity / Bitbucket pipelines / Gitlab CI/CD / Github actions Accelerated Mobile Pages SAML 2.0 / oAuth 1, 2 / JWT Rancher etc
Right now, I have the followng ranks on Stackoverflow: top 1% python, top 5% javascript, top 10% mysql node.js
My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/romanpodlinov
My Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/story/roman-podlinov
My GitHUB: http://github.com/keepitsimple