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Lazy Loading in Flexslider

I am trying to get lazy loading working for Flexslider by using Lazy Loading jquery plugin and following the instructions on this site: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload

I am loading the plugin script and don't see any errors on console. I tried without the container or options being passed in lazyload function and still nothing. I spend hours on this.

  effect: "fadeIn",
  container: $(".slides > li")

Does anyone know how to get lazy loading working in Flexslider?

like image 873
Encore PTL Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 22:09

Encore PTL

4 Answers

I implemented a lazy load during scrolling. This solution works better for big collections in comparison with other solutions proposed here. During initialization it loads only first 5 images and then it loads ahead 3 images for every animation.

  <img class="lazy" src="loading-image.jpg" data-src="actual-image.jpg" />

and javascript code:

        animation: "slide",
        animationLoop: false,
        controlNav: false,
        init: function (slider) {
            // lazy load
            $("img.lazy").slice(0,5).each(function () {
                var src = $(this).attr("data-src");
                $(this).attr("src", src).removeAttr("data-src").removeClass("lazy");
        before: function (slider) {
            // lazy load
            $("img.lazy").slice(0,3).each(function () {
                var src = $(this).attr("data-src");
                $(this).attr("src", src).removeAttr("data-src").removeClass("lazy");
like image 131
Roman Podlinov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

Roman Podlinov

The method works pretty well for me, but the loading image does need to be the same size as the rest of the images. I actually use http://imageresizing.net/ with mode=pad

In the main container that you are using for flexslider, put the actual image in a "data-src" attribute

  <img class="lazy" src="loading-image.jpg" data-src="actual-image.jpg" />

In you initialization function, use the "start" callback to replace the loading image with the actual image, and remove the attribute

    start: function (slider) {
       // lazy load
       $(slider).find("img.lazy").each(function () {
          var src = $(this).attr("data-src");
          $(this).attr("src", src).removeAttr("data-src");

I hope this helps someone.

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Tommy W Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10

Tommy W

I am trying to do the same thing using Flexslider 2 and the Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery.

It seems the container property only works if the element is styled with overflow:scroll;

I was able to get the lazy load to work using this code:

$("#flexcontainer img.lazy").lazyload({
    failure_limit : 10,
    effect: "fadeIn",
    skip_invisible : false

However, this just lazy loads everything at once instead of as the flexslider animates.

I was also able to get it to work on mouse over using this code:

 $("#flexcontainer img.lazy").lazyload({
     failure_limit : 10,
     effect: "fadeIn",
     event : "mouseover"

However this doesn't work on touch devices.

I think the key is to create your own custom event and have it trigger after a flexslider callback such as the after callback.

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alexandria757 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10


For the sake of offering an alternative solution - another option is to use a responsive slider which already has lazy load built into it, for example royal slider, here is the link -> http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/royal-slider/

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uknowit2 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10
